• health

    Deep Reflection

    Deep Reflection should be incorporate into our lives regularly. During times of conflict, internal struggle, and unrest, we must look within for our answers. The energy we put out is the energy we attract to ourselves. If we find that energy not ideal than we have to question what is it that we’re putting out there to draw this back to us. To that, we have to look within and evaluate. Anxiety, depression, sadness, toxicity, and indifference needs to start with a reflection of self first. While this may not be enough to help us solve the problems we feel, it does force us to ask ourselves why and hopefully…

  • drink,  lifestyle

    No Words to Say

    Lately, I have not much to say because I’ve been dedicating more time to reflect and disconnect. I am not going through anything in particular other than being a little under the weather. I think my body is telling me to take a break. This month seems so long, but it has been very beneficial. I started this year off focused. I dedicated my energy towards only productive things. My 2-minute rule is still in effect. I cut down my screen time, spent more awareness in the moments, dedicated more time to movement, and listened more without offering input. In my quietness, I have found clarity and motivation to advance…

  • health,  travel

    Aerial Reflection

    Small plane tours are my new favorite things. Talk about different perspective! I had been around the city for a week, walking all of it and it wasn’t until I was high in the sky that I saw a whole new place. Places that I walked blocks and blocks to get to were simply two blocks away had I gone left instead of right. I saw the layout of the city lead to the museum. The bricked part of the city outlines the water making it seem like a town within a town. I loved it, all of it! And it was up there looking at all God’s splendor that…