
  • health

    A Truth About Anxiety

    Things have been hectic. For me busy is good. I need a focus to keep myself in the right place especially with my anxiety. But, In everything else going well, I haven’t been able to post much. This month is Mental Health and Wellness Awareness, so I want to keep steady with the content because a regular schedule is helpful when dealing with mental health. As I get older, I am very aware of how I respond to different triggers after years of suppressing my feelings and using nonhelpful coping mechanisms. Now, I try holistic approaches to dealing with these stressors now like deep breathing, getting out of my box…

  • health

    Deep Reflection

    Deep Reflection should be incorporate into our lives regularly. During times of conflict, internal struggle, and unrest, we must look within for our answers. The energy we put out is the energy we attract to ourselves. If we find that energy not ideal than we have to question what is it that we’re putting out there to draw this back to us. To that, we have to look within and evaluate. Anxiety, depression, sadness, toxicity, and indifference needs to start with a reflection of self first. While this may not be enough to help us solve the problems we feel, it does force us to ask ourselves why and hopefully…

  • health,  lifestyle

    Listening to the Body

    I know we are still grinding towards our goals and dreams, but make sure you are listening to your body. I had a very productive January, but it was not without time for healing. And even though I was stubborn and did not stop immediately to give my body rest, it let me know that it was still needed. I found myself searching for words and feeling off balance. It wasn’t just me, I had a meeting with a potential client who was grieving the loss of her brother, and she too was “pushing through it” like the rest of us. I gave her time in the meeting to gather…

  • health,  travel

    Aerial Reflection

    Small plane tours are my new favorite things. Talk about different perspective! I had been around the city for a week, walking all of it and it wasn’t until I was high in the sky that I saw a whole new place. Places that I walked blocks and blocks to get to were simply two blocks away had I gone left instead of right. I saw the layout of the city lead to the museum. The bricked part of the city outlines the water making it seem like a town within a town. I loved it, all of it! And it was up there looking at all God’s splendor that…

  • health,  lifestyle

    Workout Routines

    It’s so important we have workout routines. A part of wellness is making sure that mentally we can match ourselves physically and emotionally. If we take care of only one or two parts of that trio we still remain off balanced. Exercise strengthens our, muscles, heart and mind- all muscles. With political idiocies making healthcare skyrocketing, it is important that we give ourselves a fighting chance. Stressing about affording healthcare can be less of a struggle if we keep ourselves healthy in the meantime. A workout routine can provide structure, decrease stress, and increase longevity. Working out isn’t always about looking great in a bathing suit. If that’s your goal then,…