health,  lifestyle

Workout Routines

It’s so important we have workout routines. A part of wellness is making sure that mentally we can match ourselves physically and emotionally. If we take care of only one or two parts of that trio we still remain off balanced. Exercise strengthens our, muscles, heart and mind- all muscles.

With political idiocies making healthcare skyrocketing, it is important that we give ourselves a fighting chance. Stressing about affording healthcare can be less of a struggle if we keep ourselves healthy in the meantime. A workout routine can provide structure, decrease stress, and increase longevity.

Working out isn’t always about looking great in a bathing suit. If that’s your goal then, go for it! I have workout routines to channel negative emotions and frustrations I experience throughout the week. It helps me turn that negative energy into something constructive.

I workout for a minimum of 45 minutes for high-intensity workouts (boxing, cycling, playing beach volleyball) and a minimum of an hour for medium-intensity workouts (jogging/walking, yoga).

It doesn’t have to an extensive workout and you don’t have to buy an expensive membership. Walking 30 minutes to 1 hour a day can increase cardiovascular health. Stretching regularly improves circulation. Cutting back on processed sugars can keep down weight gain. Drinking more water will keep yourself hydrated which increases organ health. All these things you can do for free.

Once you establish these workout routines switch them up every now and then to provide new challenges.

If you need help coming up with a routine, drop me a not and I’ll be happy to help.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson