
You Should be Reaching Out

Monday I wrote about having a good support system. But just as importantly, you should be reaching out to your friends to provide a good support system to them. Reaching out is a beneficial for your friends and for yourself.

Reaching out to your friends let them know that you care about them. They can be assured that the energy they’ve vested in you is worth both of your time. You strengthen the bond and trust between the two of you.

In return, reaching out makes us more empathetic to people and their situations. If we are conscious about what those around us are going through, we are more likely to be better in our everyday humanitarian efforts.

Not to mention, you feel better knowing that you could be there for a friend when they had not figured out how to reach out for help, yet. Even your strongest of friends need a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

You don’t have to always dive into hard conversations and emotional purging. Send a text about an article you thought was interesting. Snap a good picture that reminds you of a friend and share it with them on social media.

It feels good to know that someone was just checking on you. So imagine how that could change the course of the day for someone else.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson