• lifestyle

    Struggles of Moving into New Quarter

    Today is April 1, usually a time for mischief. But, today it doesn’t feel like fun and games. Who wants to play pranks when real life feels like one exhausting joke? Yesterday, I got to play some beach volleyball with my friends. The day was beautiful, the competition was good, and the company was great. But looking back through day there where little shadows of unfortunate events. The last of those being the lost of a great member of the community, Nipsey Hussle. Every time something happened that wasn’t aligned with positive energy, I stopped, prayed, and radiated as much positivity into the universe as I could. But the end…

  • lifestyle

    Appreciating the Defeat

    I am so competitive that appreciating the defeat took me a long time to understand. I’ve been active in very competitive in sports all my life. In fact, if I don’t win first nothing else really matters– second place might as well be fourth. Recently, I completed in a beach volleyball tournament whit someone I had only competed one other time with. We got 2nd in this recent tournament, losing to a girl I had once coached who is beginning her college career next year playing this sport. I guess I should have been okay with losing to a younger stud who I helped develop, but I wasn’t. My partner…

  • lifestyle

    Working Through the Growth

    I’m back! Last week I didn’t do any blog posts, and I felt terrible about it at first. The whole purpose of this blog was to destigmatize mental health issues and promote a place of freedom and working through the growth. Mental health is not just the extreme cases of depression and suicidal thoughts we usually hear about. Mental health is a broad umbrella of all stressors. That includes anxiety, stress migraines, worry, mental fatigue, and all the other little small things that we convince ourselves to push through because it’s not that bad. The point that we forget is they’re only not bad if we take care of those…

  • lifestyle

    The Importance of Having a Support System

    Good Morning Selfish Souls! Today is a great day and this week will be amazing. I’m ready for what is in store for me because my support system is so strong. Yesterday was a hard day for me. I had a lot of emotional events– personal and professional– come together at once. I felt overwhelmed. Tears wouldn’t stop streaming. My mind from racing with all the hypothetical situations I was inventing in my head which made the situation worst. There was a time when I would go lock up in my room and give up on the day. I would ignore communication and engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms. But this…

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    No Words to Say

    Lately, I have not much to say because I’ve been dedicating more time to reflect and disconnect. I am not going through anything in particular other than being a little under the weather. I think my body is telling me to take a break. This month seems so long, but it has been very beneficial. I started this year off focused. I dedicated my energy towards only productive things. My 2-minute rule is still in effect. I cut down my screen time, spent more awareness in the moments, dedicated more time to movement, and listened more without offering input. In my quietness, I have found clarity and motivation to advance…