• lifestyle

    Palm Sunday

    Yesterday was Palm Sunday. I went to church while visiting with my mom in Houston. I grew up in church, and while I am not a big believer of religion, I believe in spirituality. I am not here to convert you, I promise, but I do want to share something very profound the moment I heard it. Because it was Palm Sunday, the pastor spoke about the events that happened to Jesus. He rode in on a donkey, they waved palms symphonizing acceptance and peace, and that night Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane after the Lord’s Supper. In the garden, Jesus asked 3 of his disciples to keep…

  • health

    Deep Reflection

    Deep Reflection should be incorporate into our lives regularly. During times of conflict, internal struggle, and unrest, we must look within for our answers. The energy we put out is the energy we attract to ourselves. If we find that energy not ideal than we have to question what is it that we’re putting out there to draw this back to us. To that, we have to look within and evaluate. Anxiety, depression, sadness, toxicity, and indifference needs to start with a reflection of self first. While this may not be enough to help us solve the problems we feel, it does force us to ask ourselves why and hopefully…

  • lifestyle

    This Doesn’t Have to be Your Destiny

    Can we give it up to a young Queen? Michelle Williams just recently revealed her battle with depression as she checked herself into a mental health facility. That along take courage to be so vulnerable. On Friday, Michelle reached out to her fans via her Instagram story to let them know, “I feel the [love]! I just wanted to let you guys know I’m better,” Williams posted with praying hands emoji. She later posted the same message on Twitter saying, “Progress not Perfection! ❤.” Again, we have someone who has sold out arenas and shows, had a successful solo career, and is friends with Beyonce and Kelly. Michelle has all…

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