
Take That Step

There comes a point in our lives when we need to decide to take a path different from the path we’re on. Even when it is obvious that we need to take that step, we find reasons to not.

We begin to wonder:

  • Is this the right time?
  • Am I doing this with the right person?
  • Could I be moving too fast?
  • Will I regret this later?

While I can’t answer all the questions for you, I can say no one regrets doing stuff as much as they regret not doing something. So, do it!

The real issue is the discomfort that comes with change. Our realities are altered. We are forced out of our comfort zones and have to recalibrate. This can create anxiety, panic, and distress.

Prepare yourself for it because the most harmful thing you can do in that entire situation remains stagnant. We must keep growing and redefining ourselves. Just like plants, if we don’t grow, we will wither and die.

So what do we do?

Take that step in faith knowing that while temporarily you will be uncomfortable, in the long run, you will overcome those issues and flourish.

If you have to move to a new place, begin looking for activity in that area that you love to do. You will meet people with the same interest.

Starting a new venture? Do it fully and wholeheartedly. Yes, it may not work out on the first try, but learn from those mistakes until you do make it work.

When trying to figure out if it is wise to go to a new level in a relationship (personal, professional, etc.) remember, we should always have an open mind and heart to not cut ourselves off to opportunities.

No, it never hurts to wait for anything. At the end of the day, you must be sure in your positions. Never move, until you’ve weighed all are your options. But, don’t get left behind, don’t miss opportunities, and always remember to grow.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson

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