
Know Your Worth

I know you have heard this before, but how do you know you’re worth? We can’t quantify something based on intrinsic qualities.

To know your worth, you have to evaluate each situation you’re in and be honest with yourself. Can you do that? It requires reflection and facing truths we may not be ready to hear. But, I have a secret for you.

You are always worth more than you think you are. You are worth more at work, at home, in your relationships. We typically are our very own hardest credits. Empathy tells us, others have is worst. Modest tells us, we could’ve done more. Humility tells us, anyone could have done it. And that will always be true, but acknowledge your accomplishments in your journey and know you deserve nothing, but respect and kindness no matter what.

Because we limit our everyday experiences its easy for us to allow others to begin to limit us as well. It justifies our doubts. We listen to the limitations to make failing feel more comfortable. If we believe from the beginning we didn’t deserve better, or that we accomplish big feats, we never will. You are worth all you set out to do.

So now, know your worth confidently. You are worth all that is good and great. You are worth love and patience. You are worth the finer things in life, all that that may be to you.

And don’t you forget it.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson