• drink,  lifestyle

    No Words to Say

    Lately, I have not much to say because I’ve been dedicating more time to reflect and disconnect. I am not going through anything in particular other than being a little under the weather. I think my body is telling me to take a break. This month seems so long, but it has been very beneficial. I started this year off focused. I dedicated my energy towards only productive things. My 2-minute rule is still in effect. I cut down my screen time, spent more awareness in the moments, dedicated more time to movement, and listened more without offering input. In my quietness, I have found clarity and motivation to advance…

  • lifestyle

    Self-Performance Review

    My whole life I have been at the scrutiny and criticism of coaches, teachers, and family. Don’t feel bad for me. I actually thrive on it. This can explain some of my problematic traits, but ultimately I take it well. My profession is pretty autonomous which makes it hard for me to gauge how well I’m doing. There’s not really anyone to answer to anymore. I crave growth and improvement. I was want to always be doing better. Unlike emotionally and physically, professionally I cannot gauge this all the time. No one is giving me a deadline or objects to achieve. I started to do some research on what I…