• health

    How To Deal With Resurfacing Emotions

    There are times when past feelings come back as resurfacing emotions.  A song, a movie, even a smell reminds us of things that used to be and sometimes those memories are painful.  It is hard to let go of the pain even when we want to, mainly when that pain was responsible for all the happiness at one point. Will, you ever get over it and how do you cope?  The answer is probably not. And that is okay. This lets you know that what you had is real. It will be easier to handle as time goes on. New memories will take place and replace the old ones. Or at…

  • health,  lifestyle

    Emotional Purges Pt. 1

    I’m getting exhausted just thinking about emotions. Confronting them has never come easy to me and it is always an Act of Congress to get me to express them. Pride, independence, and emotional immaturity (as a psychiatrist so eloquently put it) made emotions a form of kryptonite for me. Growing up in a family where we did not discuss emotionally difficult situations often crippled my ability to connect with people later in life. When my young adult relationships suffered because those people thought my lack of emotional expression meant a lack of concern in general, I sought to do something about it. I turned to writing. Purging my feelings through…