lifestyle,  work

Working from the Beach

Today, I am working from the beach. The sun is warm on my back, favoring the right side of my body, The wind is strong, blowing from my back the opposite way. Part of my back warm, the other cool. Even in this, there is harmony.

I’ve already dipped in the Caribbean Ocean, the water is the perfect temperature. The day hasn’t picked up just yet, and already I’m here for it. I am ready to go. I do not have any definitive plans other than to write this blog and eventually get to a keep boutique I saw on my way into the city. Today it is more go with the flow.

I’m not writing to you with any preplanned message. I am not worried about SEO or structure. I am writing for me. This is the part of my routine I choose to keep. And on this peaceful morning away from my usual hustle and grind of a Monday morning, I intend on modeling the ocean in front of me. Quiet, yet still moving, calm and collected, vast and multidimensional.

Today is my last full day on this beautiful, happy island of Aruba and I want to get back to soaking it up. I pray you a great day and a productive week. Even if you cannot get away, go find your beach where you are. A place to inspire you to come from a different angle.

It can be the new coffee shop. The conference room in your office, the kitchen instead of your room. And just like the day, go make it yours! Working from the beach is what you make it.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson