
Be Your Valentine

I have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. The actual story of St. Valentine is one of sad and grief and has little to nothing to do with romanticized events of today, but in his story we still find inspiration on the truth of what Valentine’s Day should be.

Valentinus had to demonstrate his faith for his freedom, and he did. Then, he refused to denounce his faith at the emperor’s request. The emperor killed Valentinus when he refused. And that is the most purest form of love, I believe, to love your faith and truly believe in your principles is a strength that is hard to come by.

Share this on Valentine’s Day, not just candies and trinkets. And if you do decide to share those things, make sure that your Vaelntine shares your love of principle and faith, so the strength of your love is just highlighted today and not defined by today.

So, go show love and be loved. But love yourself, first. And remember, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. If you don’t have anyone to share this day with specifically, be your own Valentine. You deserve it.

New York graffiti

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson