• lifestyle,  work

    Less Than the Best

    This weekend I had my first curating project as an independent contractor. I was so nervous. My plans were detailed and specific. Organization is my best friend and keeps me settled. I will not accept anything less than the best. After the events, everyone acclaimed how great they were and how much fun they had! The photo optics were perfect. And do you know how I felt after? Unhappy with the end product. There were so many things that fell through the cracks. So many missed marks and details that really expand the experience. Ideas that didn’t hit the “wow factor” I would have liked them too. My debrief report,…

  • lifestyle,  work

    Change of Plans

    Isn’t it strange how you wake up one day, and you feel entirely different about a plan than you did before? Maybe a year ago, a month, or even a few days ago something was so clear to you. You knew exactly what you wanted to do, and you knew how to go about doing it. And on one day, there can be a 180-degree change of plans. I know it can be frustrating. There are those of us that are planners, and nothing is more frustrating than someone changing our plans, including ourselves. But life happens, things change, we evolve. Your career path, your niche, or even your dream…

  • lifestyle,  work

    Working from the Beach

    Today, I am working from the beach. The sun is warm on my back, favoring the right side of my body, The wind is strong, blowing from my back the opposite way. Part of my back warm, the other cool. Even in this, there is harmony. I’ve already dipped in the Caribbean Ocean, the water is the perfect temperature. The day hasn’t picked up just yet, and already I’m here for it. I am ready to go. I do not have any definitive plans other than to write this blog and eventually get to a keep boutique I saw on my way into the city. Today it is more go…

  • lifestyle,  work

    Staying Open

    So we’re all ready to tackle this year. We are organizing schedules. Movement and mindfulness are present in everything we do. But one thing we cannot forget is to stay open. Open to change, opportunity, new experiences, and obstacles. Just recently I received a text asking if I could meet with a potential client the day of, by the early afternoon. Immediately I begin to think of why this last minute meeting was a bad idea. I did not have time to prepare, a headache was getting worse, and I had other errands I neede to run. Then I remembered its importance to staying open. I really want to work…

  • lifestyle

    Self-Performance Review

    My whole life I have been at the scrutiny and criticism of coaches, teachers, and family. Don’t feel bad for me. I actually thrive on it. This can explain some of my problematic traits, but ultimately I take it well. My profession is pretty autonomous which makes it hard for me to gauge how well I’m doing. There’s not really anyone to answer to anymore. I crave growth and improvement. I was want to always be doing better. Unlike emotionally and physically, professionally I cannot gauge this all the time. No one is giving me a deadline or objects to achieve. I started to do some research on what I…