
You Deserve A Break

You know that right?

I think it was after the Great Depression era when the idea of constant work became ingrained in our DNA. Cultural status tells us we are not successful if we are not busy all the time. Taking a break does not mean you are lazy, though. The work week is just a repetitive cycle of routes to routine for a check that tells us we must keep doing the same cycle over because it is not enough. Once we conquer one goal, we move to the next without relishing in the moment of our triumph. What is wrong with us?

I am stopping, now.

Moving on immediately to the next thing is not crucial. I will be present right here. Right now in this moment. I will be proud of everything I have done and accomplished. I will also look at what I haven’t accomplished and opportunities I have missed. No, I will not harbor on those old things but, I will appreciate what they’ve taught me.

And now you will join me! In this moment. Be proud of yourself. The world is hard so, be gentle with yourself. You’ve have gone through so much. You have done a lot and still have more to do. Take this time to yourself.

Yes, you will rest when you’re dead or in the hospital when you have completely burned yourself out. And with that comes a bill which no one wants.

It is your right to push yourself however hard you want, but it is also your right to thrive in healthy environments. That includes work. Work should contribute to you as well by contributing to your wellbeing.

Breaks are good. They allow you to refocus, limit error, and be innovate.

If you are interested in finding ways to motivate your office or work group check out Blueprint Marketing & PR, LLC. Not only do they live a productive, stress-free life, they help organizations align with positive work environments while focusing on their organizational goals and culture.

It doesn’t matter how long your break is. 20 minutes in the work day or 1 week of in your month. Take it!

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"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson


  • Emily

    YES! I love this so much. It’s so important for our physical, mental, and even emotional health to have breaks and time to relax. Thanks for sharing this! It’s not all about go go go!

  • LadyX

    I have been making it a habit to remember to take a break more often. I have also been working on changing my thought process when it comes to taking a break since I am conditioned to feel like taking a break is time wasted. Good post!

  • Charis

    Great idea. I often overwork especially since u started blogging & maintaining social media for the blog. I spend every waking minute thinking of content, writing content, envisioning the layout of the post/social media & posting on the blog or social media for the blog. I appreciate breaks but don’t like to take many of them. I’ll appreciate them from now on.

  • Judy

    Thanks for sharing this. This is especially important because in this fast paced society we’re in where HUSTLE is the big word.
    Judy @sensibledove