
The Power of Friendships

So the most selfish thing you can do is protect your energy via your friendships. You do this by limiting the access to you. The people that do have access to you should be tried and true. You know the 1984 Whodini song ‘Friends’. How many of us have them? Like, actual friends. Not just the people who share your social circle. I’m talking about the ones you can call in the middle of the night because you’re in trouble or because the funniest episode of The Office is on. Those are your true friends.

Friends help level the burden for you. For that reason, they pray with you, they laugh with you, the are in existence with you without a fault. You know their shortcomings and they know yours so they do not require much or request more from you than you are willing to give. You share the trials you face together and therefore breath easier.

I challenge you to look at your circle of friends. Who’s really your friend and who is just an acquaintance? Do they have a deep connection with you? Are they empowering you?

Anyone that requires constant maintenance in not worth keeping. They become draining in an already taxing world. Cut them off. Yes, its selfish but, if you don’t, they will drain you. They will weaken you. And you need your strength to get through the next day. The next struggle. The next journey.

You don’t have to have 10 friends. You don’t even have to have 5. It could be just 1 because It’s about the quality, not the quantity.

Sometimes we lose friendships along the way and that is okay, too. Also, people grow apart or sometimes differences get the best of us. That void of someone so familiar can be hard to adjust to. Just know that what is meant to be will be. If you feel in a better place then, reach out them. If not give it time and trust that the universe is always working on our behalf.


"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson