drink,  health

Warning: Juice Not as Healthy as It Appears

Tell me this doesn’t scream natural and good. I actually picked this juice up from a coffee shop while in Philadelphia. I read cold press and saw the fruits that I loved and I was sold. It wasn’t until I got back to my hotel and cracked it open that I realized I had been bamboozled. The amount of sugar in the first swig literally made my taste buds shut down from overload. When I turned the bottle around to read the nutrition facts, I saw exactly why – 109g of sugar! Only 1g of protein, 2% of fiber, 5% of Vitamin A. Nutrition facts? More like opinions…

Be careful of sheep in wolves clothing even in the “healthy” world. As consumers become more health conscious about their food and beverage choices, companies are adapting to make sure their products look the part, literally! Make sure you read the labels of your juices and foods. I pay attention to sugar and vitamins because that is what I care about most. You make look at fats and proteins.

It doesn’t matter what are your particular levers and/or triggers on your health journey, just know that companies still need to sell their products. Be mindful of this next time you pick up a snack that “looks” good. Read the label. Reading is fundamental.


"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson