
Express Yourself: Feel Something, Say Something

The days are over when we feel like we can’t express what’s on our mind because we don’t want to offend anyone or pride won’t let us. You have to get it out. Do yourself a favor. Express yourself! Why are you keeping it in? Are afraid of the answer? If the answer is what you want to hear then you are just wasting time. If it’s not what you want to hear then its time to do something different. Holding in your feelings leads to anxiety that manifest negatively in other ways.

Whatever you have to say, say it. You don’t have to be rude or ugly about it. If you don’t like confrontation, prepare what you are going to say in advance to stay out of the argument rabbit hole. Here’s a guideline I was taught:

  1. The purpose of this conversation is to [EXPRESS YOUR CONCERN]
  2. While I am not certain of your intentions, the impact left me feeling like [EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS]
  3. Can you offer me a reason as to why this happened [LISTEN]
  4. How we can move forward?

Of course that is easier said than done. I don’t mind confrontation. If this is too direct of a way for you, try self reflecting. Why were your buttons pushed? Was this a triggering account of something else?

Once you answer this you may be able to avoid the situation happening again. Or mention in passing how you better operate in a certain situation.

My advice… take the direct approach. Life is too short to beat around the bush.

How do you handle confrontation? 

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson