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Revenge is not powerful; letting go is powerful. Taking power back is the most selfish thing you can do. Dedicating your energy to someone else’s demise is so… exhausting! Are we still doing that? Take that same energy and focus on making yourself better.

People wrong us everyday– at work, at home, in life. The world will not stop so, neither should you.Revenge allows someone control over your energy and mind. You should never allow someone that power over you.

I get how revenge can be satisfying in the short term. The need for instant gratification towards someone who has wronged you can feel justifying. But the thing about instant gratification is, it deprives you of something greater long term. The universe’s karma is greater than anything we can construct. It also mean because we’ve put out negative energy into the world, it will come back to us, no matter how justified we felt.

Instead of focusing on revenge, move on to something new. It takes strength to refocus you attention on something new. If someone stole your idea at work, let it go. Think of a better idea and top the last one stolen. Be more strategic for the future next time, but don’t focus on hiding future ventures. Know that people are always watching and see your efforts; more importantly, those same people see those working to stifle you.

Try out a new approach. Letting go can be hard. To help me, I meditate in the morning to help me let go of the heavy things that hold me down. Other times I go for a run to literally burn the energy that keeps me wired.

Really concentrate on making your energy light and productive. If moving on from revenge means letting go places and people, then let go. Move on and be better than the way those things left you. That is the best revenge.

But whatever you do, don’t look back. They don’t deserve your attention.

Girls partying on a rooftop

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson