• lifestyle

    Palm Sunday

    Yesterday was Palm Sunday. I went to church while visiting with my mom in Houston. I grew up in church, and while I am not a big believer of religion, I believe in spirituality. I am not here to convert you, I promise, but I do want to share something very profound the moment I heard it. Because it was Palm Sunday, the pastor spoke about the events that happened to Jesus. He rode in on a donkey, they waved palms symphonizing acceptance and peace, and that night Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane after the Lord’s Supper. In the garden, Jesus asked 3 of his disciples to keep…

  • lifestyle

    The Importance of Having a Support System

    Good Morning Selfish Souls! Today is a great day and this week will be amazing. I’m ready for what is in store for me because my support system is so strong. Yesterday was a hard day for me. I had a lot of emotional events– personal and professional– come together at once. I felt overwhelmed. Tears wouldn’t stop streaming. My mind from racing with all the hypothetical situations I was inventing in my head which made the situation worst. There was a time when I would go lock up in my room and give up on the day. I would ignore communication and engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms. But this…

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