• lifestyle,  work

    Change of Plans

    Isn’t it strange how you wake up one day, and you feel entirely different about a plan than you did before? Maybe a year ago, a month, or even a few days ago something was so clear to you. You knew exactly what you wanted to do, and you knew how to go about doing it. And on one day, there can be a 180-degree change of plans. I know it can be frustrating. There are those of us that are planners, and nothing is more frustrating than someone changing our plans, including ourselves. But life happens, things change, we evolve. Your career path, your niche, or even your dream…

  • lifestyle,  work

    Staying Open

    So we’re all ready to tackle this year. We are organizing schedules. Movement and mindfulness are present in everything we do. But one thing we cannot forget is to stay open. Open to change, opportunity, new experiences, and obstacles. Just recently I received a text asking if I could meet with a potential client the day of, by the early afternoon. Immediately I begin to think of why this last minute meeting was a bad idea. I did not have time to prepare, a headache was getting worse, and I had other errands I neede to run. Then I remembered its importance to staying open. I really want to work…

  • lifestyle

    Write a Vision. Make it Plain.

    What’s your next goal? You got the vision in your head? Good. Now, how do you get there?  Can you put it into words? What are the steps you need to take?  Until, you are able to look at a clear guide of what you want to do and how you intent to accomplish your goal or vision, there is a very strong chance you will not achieve it. That is sad considering the only thing getting in the way is you.  Writing your vision down allows you to plainly see what you want to do. Writing the steps creates a plan to how to get it down. In each…