

I actually like doing most things on my own. Admittedly, I am an only child.  Yes, I have a bunch of cousins, but for the most part, I have always spent time alone reading, writing, and doing whatever I want.

Recently, on a trip, my friends were preoccupied with other, and I decided to venture to the out. I got to see so much and explore without hassle. The time I spent at the museum was intentional and got to try new restaurants back to back. It was great to walk and look at new sculptures and take pictures of beautiful flowers.

This is different from being lonely. I know being lonely is a scary thing. And being alone too often can feel lonely at times. But sometimes it promotes growth and reflection. Other people’s views won’t skew your perceptions.

Being lonely is wanting to connect with people, but not being able to. Being alone is desiring the isolation for your peace.

You should seek alone time

  • When you want to find answers for lingering questions, spend time away.
  • You want to try something new without being judged? Do it alone.
  • When you’re tired of the everyday hassles of life, find a place of solitude.

It takes maturity and discipline. Once you value your peace, you’ll see how vital being disconnected is to your everyday life. It becomes crucial to your nature.

Your career may naturally create a lonely environment for you. Usually, in that case, you either learn to always be alone or you desire human interaction- either is perfectly fine. More importantly, your choice to be alone is normal and your need to connect from time to time is valid as well. Do what’s best for you.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson