
Surviving the News Cycle

Lately, I have struggled with staying well-informed about the issues that affect our community and ignoring the exhausting news that runs seemingly non-stop about the same topics. Surviving the news cycles becomes increasingly difficult every day.

California fires, politicians guilty of sexual assault, mass shootings all play around the clock. And if that’s not enough when people go out to vote they’re faced with voter suppression tactics. The long existing gerrymandering is still an obstacle to change. I’m tired. You’re tired. We’re all tired. But how do we survive the news?

Here’s What to Do

If you like to stay informed on general topics, I find it usual to look at online news outlets that are typically subjective. The Atlantic and Apple News are some of my favorites. Apple News pulls from different news outlets. The news editors pick the top stories; the most current, non-biased (as possible) information.

I try to stay away from watching the news too much because the visuals add a layer of emotional weight that can sometimes be difficult. Although, I still find it important to see these things on occasion because it reminds us to be empathetic to those around us. Even in our misfortune, we should find things to be grateful for because someone is going through something much worse.

Also, knowing what news outlets and topics trigger exhausting emotions can better help you navigate surviving the news cycle. When people are discussing these topics stay away from the emotional argument and stick to the facts. On topics that you do feel strongly about, still talk about these things objectively and only challenge the facts.

Another big help to surviving the news cycle is to star and bookmark topics you want to be notified of when the news breaks in your preferences. This will ensure that you definitely see the things you care about, filter some of the heavier stories out, and provide a more positive balance of information. When you come across topics that are more stressful for you, seeing positive stories you’ll help you be in better spirits

Surviving the news cycle is tricky but its something we can all do. Continue to be diligent in your self-care. Mentally, if you’re in a good place, everything else will follow.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson