health,  lifestyle

Sometimes Its All Mental.

A lot of times, self-care blogs focus on working out and eating right, but the topic of and mental health doesn’t get the time and energy it deserves. There is usually a stigma around mental health that makes people shy away, but more and more people are struggling daily with it. My fight in taking back the positive respect to be selfish is directly correlated with mental stability.

I found that pulling myself in a hundred different directions because I could, wasn’t something that I necessary should do or had to do. It’s easy to forget our mind can be just as fragile as our hearts and often the both operate in unison. Taking a break allows our minds to calm and refocus. Block out the clutter of the extrinsic world and focus on what makes you happy. Be selfish and do what’s best for you!

So Selfish is community for those to do what they need to do to maintain a healthy, stable lifestyle. So tell us your concerns and stories, your loves and your hates. Tell us what you want to know. Apply what you take from here in your personal and professional life. Be selfish!


I wrote this posts with the idea of this blog launching a few days after the back to back losses of two prominent, influential people– both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Both iconic in their own right, both struggling with mental illness. Their passing forced me to go back and really think if I was ready for this journey. This blog cannot just be another hobby blog (and nothing is wrong with those). This blog needs to be a safe place. It needs to be a place for those struggling every now and then, every so often, or every other day. It should be a place to divulge in our strengths and cope with our areas of growth. We should be there for one another. Both Spade and Bourdain had careers and lifestyles most would long for and still, they struggled with their psyche. We are them and they are us. R.I.P. to Kate, an artist and Anthony, a visionary. I dedicate this first post to them and every other person who has struggled with thoughts of suicide.

If you are someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @ 1-800-273-8255

If you’re not struggling with thoughts of suicide but, would just like a positive word of encouragement every now and then or want to know about sweet treats to maintain your selfish life style. Subscribe to our Email List.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson