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Vacation, You Need To

Everyone needs them right?

Actually, we do! A break from the monotony in order to spark creativity. A time for the mind to rest and a moment for the body to recover from everyday wear and tare. Vacations are more important than we think.

Businesses are required to give you so much time off because overwork causes so much strain. Productive actually begins to decrease.

Don’t lose or underuse your vacation days. Americans seem to think to more you work and the greater the strain of work like is directly correlated to success and upward mobility in the workplace.

Resist the temptation to connect

When I went on vacation to relax, I did just that. I only took my phone with me to get pictures. There was no checking email or text. My laptop never left my bag so I couldn’t do any work. Many times we say we are on vacation because we are in a beautiful place away from home or even just away from work when we aren’t because we still are connected to the drivers in our professional life.

I left it all. I put on an auto-response on my email and enjoyed my company and surroundings.

Punta Mita, Mexico is a beautiful town full of color and character. The Four Seasons Punta Mita had a great staff, amazing food morning, noon, and night; and had a great tequila tasting class (careful with this activity). They created amazing private events for my party which included a dinner on the beach. The spa was relaxing and tranquil, everything you need to have a fulfilling vacation.

I returned home rested and motivated. Ready to transfer all the energy from vacation into my work.

The location is irrelevant. Staycations can be great, too. Try a new restaurant in town or go to that workout class you’ve been interested, but too busy to take. Be a tourist in your own town.

Do whatever… Just use your vacation days!

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson