
Learn To Say ‘No’

A big part of being selfish is learning the word “no” and using it. So many of us have been conditioned to be polite, accommodating, and thoughtful. Those things are great but, we (especially women) aren’t taught that those things come at a price. Constantly, doing for others and limiting your freedom is stifling. It will exhaust you.

Saying no is not being rude. It is about taking care of yourself. If saying yes, will limit your thoughts, inconvenience you, or leave you with regret then, don’t say yes. That small word, made of two common letters are so powerful. You just have to use it.

For first time users, it will be difficult. But it will be worth. Tell your coworker, spouse, children, parents! It’s a healthy thing to have this word in your daily arsenal. Remember, it is not to be rude or hurtful. Some responses will have you to think so. That’s just because they’re not use to hearing you say it.

You may not be able to say it plainly, but you can steer the request to another solution. You can say yes after all other options are exhausted.

‘No’ fights offs negative people and energy. It preserves power. ‘No,’ limits confusion.

Saying yes is okay but, saying no feels oh, so good.

Be careful, this is a gateway attitude. You may find yourself to be more assertive and confident the more you use it.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson