
Pomodoro Technique

So, Monday after the Staying Focused post, I promised I would tell you another tool I added to my productivity arsenal. Today, I deliver the Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro technique has been around since the 1980s. The method uses a timer (usually 25 minutes) to help break the work down in smaller intervals followed by a brief break. I time mine at 5 minutes off. It helps set the tone of focus and flow.

While I do not struggle from finishing the task I set, I do have trouble finding time to break. Eating, unscheduled tasked, chores, and even creative reboots often become neglected to my constant work. The Pomodoro technique helps me stay fresh and mindful off what’s happening around me.

Once you’ve done 4 intervals your break becomes longer (15-20 minutes) then you reset. The intervals are indivisible. You either need to inform others what you are doing or record the task for later. If you cannot postpone the task, the Pomodoro interval must be abandoned.

I started using the Focus Booster app during a free trial and fell in love with the method. Focus Booster also allows you to track how much time and resources you’re allocating to each client as the day goes on.

"There is only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk." -Ron Swanson